Category No. 11: Still Photography, In-House


Germantown Friends School

Philadelphia, PA USA
Grades K-12, Coed Day

Nice use of various perspectives, from up high to close ups. All of these pictures have a consistent style and simplicity to them. Nice color treatment.

As a package of images, it shows a nice varied range of styles and subject matter that defines the school as best you can with only 6 images: sports, theater, studying in nature, and overall campus shots, including a drone capture. All technically solid, great color, nice light. Kudos on getting strong, happy emotion behind a mask - not easy!

Technically, these are all excellent images. From athletics to the arts and in between, they give the viewer a strong sense of place. Composition, lighting, and camera angles help make these images stand out. The overhead image helped boost the originality score of this entry.

Great marketing shots!

Scott Foley, Digital Content Specialist

Sedbergh School

Cumbria, UK
Pre-Prep to Year 13, Coed Boarding and Day 

I feel like I'm paging through National Geographic, with photos bathed in beautiful light and some skilled color treatment. The moments are captured within these majestic surroundings. A wonderful series of outdoor photography.

Beautiful images. The campus is the star as it is captured gorgeously at different times and in different lights. Photographing students engaged in hardy cross-country activity in different seasons effectively shows off its rugged terrain. Overall the in-house photography is very impressive.

Beautiful adventure shots. Great composition.

These images, by the very nature of the subject matter, are interesting. I want to go to this school. I love seeing students being active and having fun. Together, these images tell me a story about Sedbergh.

Steve Cooling, Sedbergh School Photographer

Holderness School

Holderness, NH USA
Grades 9-12, Coed Boarding and Day

I'm a sucker for good outdoor imagery and these deliver. I get a good sense of place by viewing these and the technical quality is excellent. The lighting also drew me in for a closer look. Well done.

All technically solid with strong emotion and vibrant content. The images as a package effectively message outdoor adventure and physical challenge, clearly a strong part of the school identity.

Greg Kwasnik, Associate Director of Communications & Marketing
Thea Dodds, Digital Marketing Strategist
Max Paro, Communications Intern