Senior Partner


Do More With Your Data

Metric Marketing is a strategic, digitally driven marketing agency that specializes in working with Private Schools across North America. We customize analytics, build campaigns, and provide marketing agency services based on the needs of our private school clients. 

Working with Metric takes the guesswork out of marketing successes. We help use data to make better marketing decisions across all school departments. Today’s parents and students are making decisions in an entirely new way, turning to search engines and social media—instead of recruiters and brochures — to inform their opinions and ultimately, their choices. 

For private and independent schools, it’s more important than ever to meet audiences where they are, with messaging and tools that connect with their needs. As independent and private school marketing experts, our goal is simple: to help independent and private schools strengthen their brands and recruit students who will thrive with them.

Partial Client List

Linden Christian School, Mission Montessori, Beauvoir Academy, BB&N-Buckingham Brown & Nichols, Queen Margaret School, St. Andrew’s College, Trafalgar Castle School, Hillfield Strathallan College, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology, St. John’s-Kilmarnock, St. John’s-Ravenscourt, Strathcona-Tweedsmuir Schools, University of Manitoba

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